Friday, September 19, 2014

public gyms

....National or local chains...I have seen very few that encourage proper form or movement control/awareness.

I could go crazy on all the crap I see happening. I go in there to get a little cardio, and its like walking into a torture chamber. No one seems to know what they are doing, or why. No one seems to have the current CORRECT information on how the body works. With all the info you can now get on your phones these days, Im shocked and amazed. But instead of bitching, Im going to do something.

Im starting a web series in October, but Im  also going to be posting exercises, stretches and modifications here as well.
 Everyone should live pain and stress free and still have all the bells and whistles they want. Balance is key. But lets start with the basics  Here are some  rules if you want to work out in these places, or anywhere for that matter.

Rule #1
 If you don't know what you're doing ASK for help. Get a trainer, or read a book. Working out is not simple science. Most people work too much in their back and shoulders. That means they originate movement from joint lines, and not muscle groups. If you put strain on the joints, you wear them out. The joint lines are really important to stability in the body as it ages
(Trainers that work for gyms are under-payed...take their input with a grain of salt. They are told to confuse or overwork the client. To keep the client coming back needing more, but knowing the likely hood of returns is LOW)

Rule #2
Proper foot ware and floor surface.
Change out your sneakers every three to six months. Your shoes develop imprints and keep you walking (or exercising) in dis alignment.
 Beware of  doing impact or cardio on carpet. Many places have carpet to cover cement. You don't want to exercise on cement. Try to find wood floors.
(I gotta say right here and now, with all the DIRT we have in LA, why people would run on cement is ludicrous.  Running is good for the heart but kinda bad for knees and ankles, and hips. Lots of impact over time puts stress on already STRESSED muscles and tendons. )
 at the other end, some doctors frown on running on the beach because it does not give enough support or resistance. you're overtaxing your hamstring as well as your Achilles.
 RUN ON DIRT, Careful down hill.(also bad for your knees)

Rule #3 The three tiers of movement.
What are you doing (endurance, strength,flexibility, upright, horizontal or seated)
How are you doing it (slow or fast, with experience or correction (coaching)
Where are you doing it (outside, inside, stable or unstable surface)

we know that the body will work harder if it feels unstable, because its natural instinct is to provide foundation. That is what is great about Bosu and Balance balls. The body is working against itself as well as the exercise.
 HERE"S THE BEEF! You must allow the body at least level of stability, or it will probably hurt itself. Some of us like two levels of instability, but you never want three.

That is why spinning is so're on a stationary bike, so your ability to push is greater than if you were on the street and had to pay attention to lots of other things (road surface, traffic, pedestrians, etc) and your the core is more supported  allowing the legs to burn more.
Step class on bosu is stupid. all three levels're working really hard upright, you re stepping on and off an unstable, un even surface (knees and ankles) and your moving FAST which will keep you focused on completion of movement, not form.

Two levels of instability...thats it...otherwise you will take yourself down. Once you stop exercising, its hard to start again.
Remember that your brain is in control of all movement, that is why muscle awareness and control  are so key to getting the results you want!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Coming out

I guess its time to get real. Get really real. Cuz its crunch time.
When you're scraping along the bottom, and you come up way short in your take out order, you can either blame the idiot behind the window, or yourself for going out for fast food in the first place..

For what has happened to my life, I cant allow the anger to consume me. A relationship is what I was seeking, Satan showed up. I have to forgive Satan.

Its been a year since I blogged....shame and denial.

 All the work and effort to build something substantial, gone in a single stroke. I had a nice apartment, a job that was getting good, and we even move to BEL AIRE to an apt with a pool!Then the cops were called. I was escorted out. Domestic violence. Holy shit on Sunday.
 I want to blame him. His anger, his alcohol, his mayhem. But I was there, and my overly active and honest brain will not allow me to play the innocent in all this. My anger, my alcohol, my mayhem had some digs in the grave as well.

 I had the chance to steer the ship away, but like the Titanic, I struck the iceberg because I had given up all my power in a vain attempt to keep bailing water out.. We had been sinking almost from the beginning
 There were two distinct  moments when I took a step and a breath away from him to see the scary clown present. To really look at what a cowardly lion he was. I had that moment, took that second before I let him back the first time we had a fight to consider what could happen. I made the wrong choice. I had no idea what ship I was on!
Now its time to expose the soft naked underbelly of myself and take account on what I DID.
The scenarios that I play over and over in head about what HE DID, what WE could have done, or where I was last year to where I am now? Doesn't matter.
What is owed me, or what I have actually lost is still coming to light. Doesn't matter.
 How I feel about myself NOW,  my circumstances now is what is at hand. That is what needs to be addressed, publicly for that matter, so I'm bringing myself OUT of the closet.
I was in an abusive relationship.  I stayed because I was afraid of being alone and broke..
He is away from me, he does not know where I am. He continues to call with promises of change and money and a happy future. He says he cant live without me, and that he may return east.

I saw his pretty face and pretty dick and thought this is for me.I saw what I wanted and I let the rest fall away. we looked good together so I was too busy dancing in the light to see the bulb needed to be changed. The faster I danced the worse it got.  I forgot who I was. Then the bulb blew.
In the dark, I can see the light.

It doesn't matter what it looks like, duh
SO I'm starting back at the beginning, to take baby steps .and...isn't it funny, I didn't even like him that much. I'm just a drama addict with a side helping spoiledbrat#self-obsessed= hot-mess.